Men in white coats from Africa, have never seen the snow,
They do not know, how could they know?
So they mock the travelling eskimo, when he tells them of his world.
They do not know, how could they know?
Theorizing ’bout things not there, deriding myths of polar bears,
They do not know, how could they know?
They tell him that the earth is flat, and rests upon a turtle’s back.
And how the sun goes round the earth, the centre of the universe.
That orbits must be circular, yet orbits are elliptical.
And the universe is determined, but the universe is free.
And God does not exist…………….
And God does not play dice, yet God plays dice and wins.
For mystical reasons, with unspoken assumptions,
Despite information, ignoring observation,
Resisting conclusions, inventing illusions,
Fiddling figures, with religious vigour.
Longing for order, longing for logic,
Confronted by mystery, running to theory,
Changing theory to satisfy desire.
They seek to repeat the unrepeatable, to predict the unpredictable,
When the wise just know, how do they know?
That the big bang is still just a theory
And that humans learn nothing from history.
And Scripture has declared that there is no snow.
They do not know….. How could they not know?