On this page you can find the lyrics to all my current songs.
Some of these are intended to form a song-cycle entitled Time For a New Paradigm. You can hear me play this at my Youtube channel GrahamPemberton1.
Under that page heading I have therefore posted all of them in the correct order, in case anyone should want to undertake the, admittedly arduous, task of reading them all in one go. There is a separate page where these songs are listed alphabetically.
Some explanatory notes:
Bad Karma The tune for the middle section was actually written by J. S. Bach.
Having written the lyrics, I spontaneously started singing them to this tune, and found myself unable to come up with any other. So I’ve decided to go with it. Mulholland Drive This song is inspired by the David Lynch film of the same name. Some knowledge of the film is helpful in understanding the lyrics.
Homage to Patric Walker Now the late Patric Walker. He once wrote the astrology
horoscope column in the Evening Standard. I was often struck by the accuracy of his forecasts. As explained on my youtube video, there is no current version of the song suitable for acoustic guitar. The lyrics are included here therefore so that you can get the full version of the song-cycle. They may look strange on the page, and hard to imagine how they could be sung. They would be performed in the style of a rap.
There are two separate pages for my Other songs.